Smiling Frogs Farm
Welcome! Thank you for visiting! We’ve been growing food is some, way, shape, and form for eighteen years, four at our current location. Demand for our vegetable, fruits, herbs, and flowers has grown every year and so we are planning our largest garden to date.
As you scroll down, you’ll find information about us, our vegetable and flower bouquet CSAs, ways to support the farm, and fun pictures from over the years. Click the button below to visit our online store for all current offerings including farm stand pre-orders, seasonal classes and holiday workshops!

About our CSA memberships!
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. We sell shares of our farm’s seasonal produce ahead of the season to collect funds that enable us to order seeds, supplies, and materials now for the coming season. Our vegetable and flower bouquet CSA memberships sell out every year. Please take a moment to read through each membership option. If you have any questions about our CSAs, please email

Flower Bouquet CSA
Our flower bouquets will be filled with farm grown flowers including snapdragons, lilles, iris, sunflowers, zinnia, cosmos, daisy, yarrow, and so many more!

Vegetable CSA
Our vegetable CSA are picked up every other week in June & July, August & September, and/or October & November.

Growing Food in TN Since 2006
How did we get here? As it turns out, both sets of grandparents were victory gardeners, so it’s in our blood. Our attention toward organically grown food began around 2006. We started with a few pots on a 2nd floor deck and found out growing our own food was not only budget friendly but a lot of fun!
Next, we cleared 1/2 of our backyard, at our former home, and built raised beds. We added fruit canes and bushes, chickens, and called ourselves a little farm. We began sharing the harvests with friends and neighbors who wanted to barter or pay us for the veggies. In 2013 we decided to sell a limited number of vegetable memberships that would help cover some costs. We also joined the Crieve Hall Farmers Market to sell to our community.
In 2016 we moved to our current property, picked because of the land, but other responsibilities delayed the start of our new farming adventure until 2021!
Our 2021 season was a year of learning; understanding and improving our soil naturally, what & how much we can & want to grow in the garden, and who our customers were. Season TWO, 2022, was a huge improvement on 2021. We carefully planned intense planting, crop rotation, and the best varieties for our customers. Incorporating Farm Stand Wednesday’s was fantastic! We love meeting and chatting with our customers.
In Season THREE, 2023, our CSAs sold out, we meet so many new neighbors, hosted our 1st canning class, planted over 120 tomato plants in a carefully planned successions, increased our seasonal flower production, and welcomed our first intern.
2024 is still in the planning stages but we’ve ordered some seeds, have some seeds started under lights inside, and we’re working on a 2024 internship job description. We hope to begin to recruit volunteers for winter projects and are activity marketing our CSA memberships until they sell out.
We highly encourage interested neighbors to join our monthly e-newsletter and follow us on Facebook & Instagram. Our e-newsletter is full of the backstory to what & why we are doing what we are doing and what’s coming up soon. We post as much as we can on social media, but especially information about what’s coming up next, Farm Stand updates, and workshop & class dates. Thank you for stopping by and we hope you’ll stay in touch!
About Us
Hi Mary here! I have been gardening in some way, shape, or form since childhood. The garden is my happy place and growing high quality, all natural food for others brings me so much joy! I am a Davidson County Master Gardener, a former member of UCAN (Urban Chicken Advocates for Nashville), and a new member of NABA (Nashville Area Bee Keepers). From 2014-2018 I managed two farmers markets where I met a lot of local farmers who inspired and encouraged me to grow more food. I love growing food for our family, our friends, and our community. In addition to growing food, I split my time between caring for my parents and working as a Real Estate Agent with Parmenter Group eXp Realty.
Ways to support the farm
Smiling Frogs Farm is a Community Supported Farm. All of the funds from our Farm Stand sales and donations are invested right back into the farm to be used for material and supply orders, compensating staff, equipment rentals, and much much more. Below are three ways to help us grow more for you and our community.
Amazon wishlist
This list consists of materials and supplies we use on a regular basis and some specific supplies needed for special projects. We update this list all the time so check back often.
Give a gift
Friends near and far can support our efforts to care for the soil, support wildlife and pollinators, and grow food naturally. We accept monetary gifts, to help cover the cost of materials and supplies, all year round. Thank you for your generosity!
Online store
Wondering when our next workshop is or what our classes cost? Are our CSAs sold-out? Click this link to our online shop! We update it with Farm Stand pre-order options weekly from May to September!
Get In Touch
Please email us for additional information about the current season, availability of produce and CSA subscriptions!